Development background

Industrial background
- As the healthcare industry based on the human microbiome is growing rapidly, research on the human microbiome, which was focused on the gut microbiome, is gradually expanding to the skin microbiome.
- Skin microbiome research is primarily about securing skin flora from subjects and analyzing skin characteristics, so commercialization-level research is difficult due to issues such as cost and research period.
- New forms of research and development are increasing by introducing and expanding the previous concept of microbiome (para-biotics) as an approach to increase the beneficial effects of microorganisms.
* CARMONA-CRUZ, Silvia; OROZCO-COVARRUBIAS, Luz; SÁEZ-DE-OCARIZ, Marimar. The Human Skin Microbiome in Selected Cutaneous Diseases. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, 2022, 145
Policy background
- After the Nagoya Protocol came into effect, research and development to secure and utilize Korea’s biological resources continues to progress.
- It is necessary to secure and research and develop microbial resources with infinite potential as biological resources.
*The Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization to the Convention on Biological Diversity is an international agreement which aims at sharing the benefits arising from the utilization of genetic resources in a fair and equitable way.

Regional background
- Twinchem Co., Ltd. establishes Jeju Biotics R&D Center
- Jeju is a unique growing area different from the inland areas, and research on the diversity of microbial resources is ongoing.
Development direction
Development of beneficial biotic materials for the human
Strain acquisition and isolation
Setting strain culture conditions
Enzyme activity of the strain
Research on the efficacy of Para-biotics
Prototype research and development
Safety and stability research on prototypes
Establishment of strain selection criteria
Review availability of pellets, culture media, etc.
Strain characterization research
Verification of anti-wrinkle and whitening efficacy of culture media or para-biotics
Research on standardization of raw materials for prototypes
Research on discoloration, off-odor, and microbial contamination of prototypes
Research and development methods